Thursday 11 October 2012

More on managing your career transition

If you are looking to change your career then this blog may provide you with some food for thought and action.

I have been coaching one client recently and this blog is dedicated to his experience.

We started with a diagnostic primarily using Myers Briggs Type Indicator with his best fir type being I, S, F, J.

The I preference refers to introversion and my client prefers to be driven by his internal world for example uses his past experiences to help him to tackle current challenges.

The S preference refers to him paying attention to the details in information.

The F preference refers to him making decisions based on his values and others values.

The J preference refers to him being structured and organised in the way he lives his life.

We used the diagnostic to help to arrive at a list of possible careers that would best match his personality and ensure that he was working towards being a 'round peg in a round hole'.

My client recognised that he had changed and what he valued had changed for example wanting to have more of a work life balance in particular not working weekends.

We narrowed the career options befitting his personality and values down to three.

We then focused on a cover letter and CV for each career option keeping the cover letters and CV very specific and tailored to the role.

My client is now in the process of proactively applying for positions and preparing for potential interviews.

He is feeling very positive that the application and interview process will give him further insight into which option is right at this time.

He is even thinking that one of the career options, property management, may become a side-line for him, something that he does as well as his substantive job.

If this blog has helped you then please leave a comment.

For all of your career coaching needs please contact us through

1 comment:

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