Wednesday 7 September 2016

Career Searching?

If you are thinking about changing your career or job role then please read on.

Firstly, you are in good company. Job satisfaction has dropped to its lowest level for over two years. Almost a quarter of employees have job seeking intentions according to a survey of 2,000 employees by Halogen and the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). The survey sample was across all sectors.

Perhaps your own experience resonates with some of the top reasons for wanting a move

1. Nearly a quarter of respondents felt their organisation's performance management processes to be unfair.
2. Over a quarter of respondents identified a lack of opportunity to develop their skills as an issue impacting their job satisfaction.
3. More than a third of respondents said that they are unlikely to fulfil their career goals with their current employer.

A separate similar survey by Love Energy Savings revealed that half  of employees felt that their employers did not provide them with sufficient learning and development opportunities.

Secondly you need to know that if you are feeling apprehensive and alone in your predicament, that this is normal. Since work occupies a large proportion of our life it is important and associated with that is a level of risk and discomfort.

Our role is to provide you with help and support in making the transition from where you are now to a career that fulfils your needs and wants based on a number of factors including your personality.

All potential career coaching relationships commence with a complimentary consultation where we understand some things about what you want and don't want in your work. You will leave the meeting understanding our approach to help you and motivated to achieve your goals.

To book an initial meeting please get in touch via or by calling 01761 237400.

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