If you are unhappy in your current career or just curious about whether you are in the best career for you then this post is for you.
You spend so much of your life at work and as life is short it makes sense to pursue the career that fits you best, your personality, what you like doing and what is important to you.
The career guidance offered in education can be helpful if not comprehensive but what if you have been out of education for some time?
If you do not know where to start on your journey to finding your best career then you are in good company. Plus for such an important decision your research needs to be thorough and ideally supported by a career coach.
Here at West of England Coaching and Counselling, we help you on your journey by starting with a robust process of diagnosing your career preferences, based on a number of criteria suggested by research in this field.
One of these criteria is your personality preferences and for this area we focus on psychometric tests that have a high validity level when it comes to career choice. Very often we meet clients whose personalities clash with their organisation's culture and values. The objective is to highlight two or three careers and sectors that are congruent with the way you work and what is important to you.
During career coaching you will gain a great deal of insight into your own personality and what you need in order to feel fulfilled and purposeful.
Following diagnostics we can further assist you by looking at the career requirements of the two or three options highlighted and help you to action plan to address any gaps.
We can further assist you with CV and cover letter structure and content as well as interview preparation.
To discuss your own particular needs please call us on 01761 237400 or e mail enquiries@westofenglandcoachingandcounselling.co.uk