During these challenging times, we all need to dig deep. If you are struggling like a lot of people, please read on for some simple suggestions from me for staying sane when things feel out of control.
I like feeling in control as much as the next person. I do become anxious and a bit sad when control seems impossible. Here I share my own strategy which, I am pleased to say, worked well in week one of lockdown...
Firstly I would like to share/remind you of the Serenity Prayer from the wise Reinhold Niebuhr:
"...Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."
Secondly, the importance of creating your new routine. Routine is good, our brains like it because it involves making less decisions! And don't just take my word for it. Listening to Davina McCall talking about home schooling her three children, she made the point that big brother contestants best able to moderate their mood well into being in a confined space with others, were those with a routine.
We know from research that one of the most positive ways to address depression, anxiety and anger reactions to negative thinking, is exercise. Building some of this into your routine at home, is good for your mental and emotional as well as physical wellbeing. Experts in the field suggest that the best time to move is first thing as it sets you up positively for the day. Find exercises that you enjoy to help you to stay with this.
I have two more daily routine habits that I suggest you build into your day, one for the beginning of the day and one for towards the end.
Start your day with a gratitude list. Yes actually write down things that you are grateful for, ideally in a journal that you can refer back to say at a low ebb. They can be small things such as the sunshine or bigger things such as you being well enough to complete this exercise. Being grateful, like exercise, correlates highly with emotional and mental wellbeing.
Before your head hits the pillow tonight think of at least one thing that you feel positive about from the day such as helping someone that needs it and reflecting on what you enjoyed about it and learnt from it.
I wish you safety and wellness and a positive perspective during these challenging times.
If you would like help and support with your career or life challenges, please get in touch via pam@westofenglandcoachingandcounselling.co.uk, to book your Zoom or standard telephone call.