Friday 17 September 2021

Professional Challenges

Right now I invite you to spend a few minutes on your personal development in work.

The first question that I would like to you consider is what is dominating your thinking at the moment?

For example, it might be to organise your workload better or to address a work relationship issue. 

Whatever, your current challenge, how are you currently thinking about it?

Is this proving a helpful way to look at it?

If not what would be a more helpful thinking frame?

For example, "I just feel overwhelmed by my workload" could become "I will think of ways to improve my organisation of my time. For example, I will spend approximately a third of my day working on my backlog, a third dealing with the here and now and a third achieving something important though non-urgent".

I want to remind you that your thinking whether flawed or excellent, or somewhere in between, is driving your results.

I want you to think about that. Perhaps you could start each day getting your thinking into the right place, for example "whatever happens today I will calm myself down to stay in my thinking brain and then come up with an action plan".

Happy thinking!

For help and support with personal and professional challenges please get in touch via

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